Friday, 24 February 2012

Weather or Not

I'd been meaning to write a post on the weather here for ages. But through circumstance I haven't really had the ability. It snowed again last night, maybe for the final time this winter, so I thought I'd at least mention it.

Discussing the weather is known as a pretty British thing to do, and I guess this post makes that even more evident. But in the last five months I've talked about it far more than normal, and most of the time I haven't even initiated the conversation. Maybe people were second guessing me!

It's been a very mild winter here in Chicago. I was warned from the day I arrived of the horrific weather conditions here last year. Apocalyptic snow storms, and bone chilling temperatures, but this year they haven't really materialised.

I had imagined myself as some kind of Scott of the arctic - Bravely struggling to work through sub-zero conditions, but I haven't had the chance to really prove myself. There have been some rather icy days, and a few large snowfalls, but all in all, I'm a little disappointed. I had psyched myself up for frostbite weather.

I've no real point to make, I thought I would do given the extreme weather predictions, but come rain or shine, life goes on. – Except snow, then, for at least 24 hours, everything grinds to a halt no matter how prepared you are.

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