Friday, 9 March 2012


My co-worker Josh Cornish just posted something similar to this. But here goes anyway…

Something I’ve mentioned about America before is that it’s just bloody massive. As a result space is cheaper, and the office is bigger, so there’re a lot of old toys about! In fact, the place is flooded with them. The backlog of stuff might be regarded as clutter, but can sometimes turn up some pretty fun ideas. Our London department is much more cramped, so toys go into storage, and are usually never seen again unless there is a safety issue.

What’s that? A range of tasty McDonald’s food items? No! Transforming robots in the shape of burgers!

I was reminiscing about the transforming food toys, and one of the guys (thanks Neal) dug these up. They aren’t quite the ones I remembered, but are an even earlier version from 1987! – I didn’t design these, because I was 2.

But it did inspire a redesign, so here is my Fry Dude. Not a work project though, so don’t get excited about a return of Transfooders. I don’t normally post work drawings here, but this is much more of a product drawing that we might produce at TMS - Descriptive and explanatory and with an idea of cost, safety and manufacturing methods in mind.

The more successful marketing campaigns are license driven (Shrek / Barbie / Hot Wheels to name a few).Obvious links with cinema launches and popular toys give items instant recognition, and qudos associated with the brands. This means that old toys like these (generics) are a thing of the past, and will probably stay that way.

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